By streamlining the ssh configuration, you no longer have to type out ssh
« username »
. Instead you can use ssh configuration files to be able to simply use an alias of your choice to log into a server.
On Visual Studio Code, I opened a new terminal and I used
as the tool to edit my .ssh/config file by entering vim ~/.ssh/config
in my terminal.
On Visual Studio Code, I opened a new terminal and I used the ssh protocol and my alias to remotely connect to the ieng6 server by entering
ssh ieng6
in my terminal.
To copy a file into my account using my alias I typed the following scp command into the terminal:
scp ieng6:~/
In order to use git commit
and git pull
from the command line, you must use a token based login so I added my public key to Github. Once I added my public key into Github I was able to use git push from the command line. In order to add my public key into Github I copied the SSH public key, I went to Settings on Github, I clicked “New SSH key” and I pasted my key.
Once I added my public key into Github, I was able to connect to the remote server and commit and push the change of, adding a new file to my repository, from the command line.
To copy entire directories from one computer to another, we can use the scp -r
command option. This command allows us to recursively copy the files and directories of a directory.
By using the scp -r
command we can copy a directory onto a remote server, by typing “
scp -r . << username >><< name of copy>>
In order to combine the scp command to copy a directory, the ssh protocol to remotely connect to the ieng6 server, and javac/ java to run the tests, on one line type:
scp -r .; ssh ieng6 "cd copy-markdown-parse-100; /software/CSE/oracle-java-17/jdk-17.0.1/bin/javac -cp .:lib/junit-4.13.2.jar:lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar; /software/CSE/oracle-java-17/jdk-17.0.1/bin/java -cp .:lib/junit-4.13.2.jar:lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore MarkdownParseTest"